A Pilates master teacher - protégé of Joseph Pilates
Romana was Joseph Pilates’ chosen protégée, and has been acknowledged worldwide by thousands of instructors as their teacher and mentor. Over the course of her lifetime, Romana spread the work of Pilates worldwide. She saw it grow from only being studied in Joe’s studio in New York City to thousands of studios worldwide.
As a young dancer, Romana was introduced to Joseph Pilates in 1941 by George Balanchine when she suffered an ankle injury. She quickly learned the amazing benefits of Joe’s work, noticing not only improvement in her ankle but in her overall dancing.
In 1944, Romana married and moved to Peru, but she continued to visit and study ‘Uncle Joe’ in New York. Romana taught her young son and daughter Pilates techniques to keep them strong and flexible. Joe crafted customized baby leg springs for Romana’s children and called them his ‘Pilates babies’.
In 1958, Romana and her two children, Sari and Paul, moved back to New York and Romana worked with Joseph and Clara in the studio learning, teaching and mastering the method until Joe’s death in 1967. Romana continued to work with Clara until she died in 1979 and oversaw the training of clients and teachers at the studio. Of all the Pilates elders (those who trained with Joseph Pilates directly) Romana worked with him the longest and had the deepest understanding of his work.
Romana became Joseph and Clara’s chosen successor and kept the studio and the Pilates method alive by training 1000s of clients and teachers. She traveled and taught all over the world and created an international community of Pilates studios and training centers.
On August 30 2013, Romana passed away. Although she is greatly missed, her spirit and memory live on through her protégées. She will be forever remembered and her legacy and the Pilates family she created grows every day.
Thank you Romana – Love all Around!